  •   他向警提供情报而遭那群歹徒毒打.   He'd been worked over by the gang for giving information to the police
  • n.  他向警隐瞒实情而并未感到十分不妥.   felt no serious qualms about concealing the information from the police
  • n.  他和他弟弟生活式截然不同.   He and his brother have quite different life-styles
  • v.  他因妨害治安被送交地法官究办.   He was hauled up before the local magistrates for disorderly conduct
  • v.  他因对前锋犯规而受罚(如对球队获踢任意球).   He was penalized for a foul on the striker, eg A free kick was awarded to the striker's team
  •   他在公开的场合里拥护官的政策, 而在私下里却明白那是行不通的.   He supported the official policy in public, but privately he knew it would fail
  • adj.  他在学习面的懒散态度.   a lackadaisical approach to his studies
  • n.  他在拳赛中多以击倒对获胜.   He has won most of his fights by knock-outs
  • n.  他在理解数学面能力之差.   his inability to understand mathematics
  • v.  他在这方面非常敏感.   He is very sensitive in this regard, ie concerning this
  • n.  他在这里已经很多年了, 现在理应熟悉工作的各种面了.   He's been here for years; he should know the ins and outs of the job by now
  • n.  他在阅读面不如别人, 但算术却遥遥领先.   He's behind the others in reading but a long way ahead in arithmetic
  • n.  他失业後便开始关注地的志愿工作了.   Having lost his job, he'd begun to interest himself in local voluntary work
  •   他失踪一事警正在调查.   His disappearance is being looked into by the police
  • n.  他对性面的异常癖好.   his unusual sexual proclivities
  • n.  他对警说的话已用作指证他的证据.   His statement to the police was used in evidence against him