  • n.  为招徕顾客)亏本售的商品.   article sold at a loss to attract customers to buy other goods (
  • v.  为排烹调气味而安装於厨房中的电扇.   a fan in the kitchen for expelling cooking smells
  • n.  为提高销售额而提了各种的建议.   Various proposals were put forward for increasing sales
  • v.  为某任务付(时间、 精力等)(尤指涉及承诺或自我牺牲的)   to a particular task, esp in a way that involves commitment or self-sacrifice
  •   为求心安而付的钱(尤指早就应付的钱).   money paid to make one feel less guilty, esp when one should have paid it before
  •   为泄恨, 为出气   out of spite
  • n.  为自己的货物做广告、 陈列货物、 售货物、 兜售货物.   advertise, display, sell, peddle one's wares
  • v.  为被告[原告]庭辩护.   prosecution
  • v.  为讨论而提意见[想法/主张].   theory
  • v.  为讨论而提(意见等)   for discussion
  • v.  为(考试、 测试等)一套新题.   devise a new set of questions for (an exam, a test, etc)
  •   主出入口   main entrance and exit
  • prep.  主席不在场, 我们无法做决定.   We can't reach a decision without our chairman
  • v.  主席辞职後, 我们的议事项目迅即做变动.   Our agenda underwent a rapid change after the chairman's resignation
  • n.  主技演的技巧, 引起公众注意的技巧, 演技   showmanship
  • n.  主显节, 公现节, 现, 显现, 领悟, (耶稣显灵的)显现节, 主显节(1月6日)   epiphany