  • n.  用以指所说的两件事物中, 後说的与先说的性质一样)   for `that matter (used to indicate that a second category, topic, etc is as relevant as the first
  • n.  用以指某事物没什麽了不起)   we might still get there on time. 别泄气, 我们仍有可能按时赶到那里. no sooner said than done => soon . not be saying much (used to point out that sth is not really remarkable
  •   用以提出客气的请求)   (used in making polite requests
  • adv.  用以提更确切的说法)   or rather (used to introduce a more precise expression
  • comb form  用以表明所指的人或事物是名的或重要的)   The price is 50p the dozen. 价格是每打50便士. 10 (used to indicate that the person or thing referred to is well-known or important
  • pron.  用以表示对某人行为感到有趣得奇)   (used to show amused surprise at sb's behaviour
  • adv.  用以转折, 以提新任务或新话题)   sth (used when turning to a fresh task or subject
  • v.  用作提请求或要求的礼貌用语)   to do sth (used in making politely formal requests or commands
  • vt.  用信号通知, 向...发信号, 使著名, 使显著, 特别指示, 表明, 显示, 表露, 表现, 在...设置交通信号, 信号化, 庆祝, 使突(亦作signalise), 使显眼   signalize
  • n.  用刀碰到玻璃杯发丁当声.   ping a knife against a glass
  •   用剃刀砍木头; 用非其当; 浪费聪明才智; 想作惊人之举   cut blocks with a razor
  •   用力出球   Kill
  • v.  用力击球(把球击场外)   smash the ball (out of the court)
  • v.  用力或费力从某人处榨或取得某事物   from sb extract or obtain sth from sb with effort or difficulty
  • vt.  用力投掷, 激烈地说, 愤怒地大叫, 愤慨地说, 丢下, 推翻   hurl
  • v.  用力投掷,愤慨地说,丢下   hurl