| - v. 捻硬币(抛向空中). flip a coin (in the air)
- n. 掉进、 陷入、 挣扎在官僚主义繁文缛节的泥淖中. be caught up in, bogged down in, floundering in a morass of bureaucratic procedures
- n. 排, 船游, 吵闹, 一列, 一行, 一排, 街, 路, 街道, 地区, 天线阵, 伦敦海德公园中的骑马道, (一)排, (一)行, 吵架, 争吵, 吵闹声, 责骂, 申斥, 划船, 划船旅行, 行 row
- 排入大气中 discharge into the environment
- 排入水中 discharge into the environment
- 排入海中 discharge into the sea
- 排入环境中 discharge into the environment
- 排水量中心 center of displacement
- n. 排(军队中连的下一级). group of soldiers, a subdivision of a company, acting as a unit under the command of a lieutenant
- v. 探照灯的光柱射入黑暗中. The beam of the searchlight pierced the darkness
- adj. 探索的, 暗中摸索的 groping
- n. 探针, 调查, 探测针, 探示器, 取样器, 试探电极, 针探, 探查, 查究, 调查, 试样, 空中加油管, 探测器, 探测飞船, 外太空探测器, 探索 probe
- n. 接上 线(中断後的联系) , ie continue after an interruption
- 接中性线 connect to neutral
- n. 接住球(如板球戏中). to pouch a ball, ie catch it, eg in cricket
- adj. 接受治疗的)病人(尤指医院中的). person who is receiving medical treatment, esp in a hospital (