| - v. 用select表示所作出的决定比用choose考虑得更为周到 Select suggests a more carefully considered decision than choose *
- 用…制造出;理解 make out of
- v. 用一些毫不出奇的材料做出了一顿美餐. conjuring a delicious meal out of a few unpromising ingredients
- vt. 用不正当手段或以计谋取得, 以权宜之计处理, 扭身挤出, 设法脱身, 伪造, 虚饰, 哄骗, (用计谋等)得到, 取得, 弄到, (用计谋)摆脱困境 wangle
- v. 用了8天时间才把他们饿得(从那座建筑物里)出来了. It took 8 days to starve them out (of the building).
- adj. 用了很长时间才把遇难者(从倒塌的建筑物中)解救出来. It took hours to free the victims (from the collapsed building).
- n. 用争论、 吓唬、 谈话、 哄骗等方法进入或逃出 argue, bluff, talk, trick, etc one's way into, out of, etc sth, ie enter, escape, etc by arguing, etc
- v. 用以对说过的或做过的某事物竟然再次出现而表示厌烦、 愤怒或无可奈何) (used to show annoyance, exasperation or resignation that sth said or done before has been, or is about to be, repeated
- n. 用以将大降落伞由伞包中拖出的)小降落伞. small parachute used to pull a larger one from its pack (
- v. 用以引出与刚提到的事物有联系而作补充的事物) (used to introduce sth that is connected with and in addition to sth just mentioned
- n. 用以引出某事的理由) I always take the dog for a short walk last thing before going to bed. 我总是在晚上就寝以前带狗去散散步. first things first => first1. for `one thing (used to introduce a reason for sth
- n. 用以引出某人姓名) . 12 (used to introduce the name of a particular person
- v. 用以引出自白或承认的话) the `truth (used to introduce a confession or an admission
- conj. 用以引导出两种非此即彼的可能性) whether or not (used to introduce two alternative possibilities
- conj. 用以引导出劝告某人的话) place (used to introduce a piece of advice to sb
- adj. 用以强调所言出自真心) (used to emphasize that one is speaking frankly