  • v.  挡开, 闪避(尤指击剑和拳击).   act of parrying, esp in fencing and boxing
  • v.  挤在你饮料的少量柠檬汁.   a squeeze of lemon in your drink
  • v.  挥动(手或手物)(如为示意或致意)   to move up and down or to and fro, eg in order to make a signal or give a greeting
  • vi.  振动, 振荡, 颤振, 摇摆, 动摇, 游移, 犹豫, 彷徨, 发生, 发杂音, 在间值上下波动   oscillate
  •   振动中和器   vibration neutralizer
  •   振动中心   oscillation center
  •   振动式中耕机   vibrator cultivator
  • n.  振动膜(如电话听筒及扬声器等的).   vibrating disc or cone producing sound-waves, eg in telephone receivers, loudspeakers, etc
  • vt.  捉住, 捕获, 赶上, 着火, 烧, 领悟, 听清, 了解, 理会, 碰见, 发觉, 打, 击, 引起, 使迷住, 突然止, 遭受, 打盹, 看一眼, 梗塞住, 制动, 感染, 传染上, 抽, 欺骗, 使进退两难, 使害怕, 挂着, 绊着, 挡住, 接球   catch
  • v.  捉住对方的后(国际象棋).   capture one's opponent's queen, ie in a game of chess
  • v.  捕捉(画面或影片的某人[某物])   in a picture, on film, etc
  •   捞救命稻草; (在危难)求助于靠不住的救急办法, 作毫无成功希望的努力   catch [clutch, grasp] at straws [a straw, any straw]
  •   损管中心   damage control center
  • v.  换乘票(可途换乘另一公共汽车等的票).   ticket that allows a passenger to continue his journey on another bus, etc
  •   捣乱, 暗中破坏   put sand in the wheels [machine]
  • n.  据说人能中邪.   It was believed that people could be possessed by evil spirits