| - n. 指货物、 定单等)在处理或运送中. being dealt with; on the way (
- 指车辆)四轮驱动的. For the uses of four and fourth see the examples at five and fifth. 关於four和fourth的用法见five和fifth词条中的示例. power is applied to all four wheels (
- v. 指运动中的物体或人)猛撞某物或互撞 strike violently against sth or each other (
- 指运动员)(在比赛中)上场做替补队员 join a team as a substitute during a match (
- n. 指铅笔中的铅心)硬的 hard (
- v. 指问题的探讨)中止 be left without further investigation or pursuit (
- 指飞行器)著陆, 从空中掉下 land or fall from the sky (
- n. 指食物和饮料)变凉或冷却(如在冰箱中) become cool, eg in a refrigerator (
- n. 指鸟)突然飞起(尤指从矮树丛中). fly suddenly, esp from undergrowth (
- prep. 按,在,在...中 en
- 按薪级中点估计的年薪值 notional annual mid-point salary [NAMS]
- 按薪级中点估计的年薪开支 notional annual salary cost at mid-point
- 挑拨离间, 从中得利 play off one against the other
- 挑拨离间, 从中得利 play off one against another
- adj. 挑衅的, 目中无人, 挑战的, 对抗的, 不服从的, 大胆的, 目中无人的, 蔑视的, 违抗的, 不顺从的 defiant
- n. 挖剪细工, 挖剪图画, 删除部份, 切断, 断路, 关闭, 停车, 卸载, 切开, 挖去, 剪去, 单流器, 中断器, 电路断开装置, 保险装置, 排气阀, 剪裁, 剪纸, 终止, 剪切块, 删除部分 cutout