| - 指板球戏於掷钱币中获胜的队)请(对方)首先击球 to bat first (
- n. 指某集体中的成员)(为某目的)凑钱, 分摊费用 make contributions of money, etc so that the total can be used for a specific purpose (
- n. 指每年中的例行休假期间, 英国用holiday, 美国则用vacation Holiday is used in Britain and vacation in the US when talking about the regular period of time taken away from work each year
- adj. 指比赛中的表现)不经心的, 马虎的 careless and inaccurate (
- n. 指水)(如同从水闸中)流走、 泄出等 flow away, out, etc as if from a sluice (
- v. 指液体)溢出, 泼出(尤指从容器中) spill over the edge, esp of a container (
- suff. 指演出、 戏剧等)在进行中 in progress (
- adj. 指火车、 旅行等)中途不停(的), 直达(的) without any stops (
- adj. 指灵魂或魂魄)从躯体中脱离出来的, 出窍的, 游荡的. separated from the body (
- v. 指线路等)自中心向各方伸展 spread out like radii from a central point (
- adj. 指网球、 壁球等运动中)运动员握拍的手的同一侧 the same side of a player as the hand in which he is holding the racket (
- v. 指耶稣)将人类从罪孽中拯救出来. from sin (
- n. 指船)舷侧进(水)(如在风暴中) over the side, eg in a storm (
- 指设备)结构复杂古怪而未必中用的 absurdly complicated and unlikely to work (
- adv. 指词语等)(在某书、 某文章等中出现於)各处, 到处, 多处. occurring throughout or at several points in a book, an article, etc (
- adj. 指词)中性的 neither masculine nor feminine in gender (