Chinese English Phrase:
  • adj.  指字字母)不发音的   not pronounced when spoken (
  • adj.  指室内装饰等)仿工业等的常见式样的.   imitating styles more common in industry, etc (
  • n.  指尖物)插入或穿入某物   be pushed or thrust into or through sth and remain in position (
  • adj.  指已提及的两个事物的第二个, 多用於书面语   His latest novel is a great success. 他最近出版的小说十分成功. The latter refers to the second of two items already mentioned and is rather more formal *the latter
  • n.  指幅(对杯酒类的度量, 约略等於一指宽)   measure of alcohol in a glass, roughly equal to the width of one finger
  • adj.  指座位)可翻起的(如戏院的).   that can be raised to allow people to pass easily, eg in a cinema (
  •   指彩票、 数字抽奖等)抽, 奖, 赢   be drawn; win (
  •   指挥官推荐威廉斯士获勇敢勋章.   The commanding officer put Sergeant Williams in for a medal for bravery
  •   指挥舱(飞行器的).   part of a spacecraft carrying the crew and control equipment
  • adj.  指故事等)(在杂志、 电视或广播等)连续刊登或播出的   appearing in parts in a periodical, etc or on TV or radio (
  • adj.  指数个圆)有同一心的   having the same centre (
  • v.  指数)包含在另一数(尤指无余数)   be contained in another number, esp without a remainder (
  • v.  指机动车辆或飞行器)(以节省燃料的)等速度行进   travel at a moderate speed, using fuel efficiently (
  • adj.  指板球投出的球)反弹至较近投球手的位置.   bouncing relatively near to the bowler (
  • adj.  指板球的外场员)靠近击球员的   standing close to the batsman (
  •   指板球戏的击球员)入场击球, 开始一局比赛   go to the wicket at the start of one's innings (