| - adv. 拒绝继续工作(如在罢工中). refuse to continue working, as in a strike
- adj. 拖拉机拉紧拖缆把拖车从泥中拉了出来. The tractor took up the slack and pulled the trailer out of the mud
- 拖拉机牵引中耕锄 tractor drawn hoe
- 拖拉衙门(Dickens 小说 Little Dorrit 中办事拖拉的官僚机关) Circumlocution Office
- 拖缆共同中折点 common midpoint reflection point of cable
- n. 拘泥教规, 教会万能主义, 教会中心主义, 恪守教会的主义、习俗或礼仪, 教权, 教会主义 ecclesiasticism
- n. 拟议中的改革引起公众一片抗议的呼声. The proposed changes caused howls of protest from the public
- n. 拦畜沟栅(通常为金属制的架子, 置於路中的沟上, 车辆可通过而牛羊等无法通过). grid covering a ditch in a road so that vehicles can pass but not cattle, sheep, etc
- 拨河赛中站在最后的一个人; 接力赛中跑最后一棒的人 anchor man
- n. 拱腰椭圆拱脚处的最小半径, 拱腰, 拱形的中部 hance
- n. 拳击中的)上钩拳. punch delivered upwards with the arm bent (
- adj. 拳击中)因受重击而昏眩的, 被打得晕头转向的. dazed or stupefied by being severely punched (
- 拳击中)左手, 左手拳 left hand (
- v. 拳击等中)以得分多而胜(某人) by scoring more points (
- n. 拼字课本, 拼字者, 鹿角顶枝中的一分支 speller
- 拾球集中 Shag