| - n. 报告中有一段谈到工作中的事故问题. The report has a section on accidents at work
- n. 报告中细节过多. The report contained a plethora of detail
- 报告到当时为止的进展情; (英国议会中)暂停(辩论)留到他日讨论 report progress
- n. 报告祷告时刻的人, 祷告时间报告人, (伊斯兰教寺院中的)祷告时间的报时者 muezzin
- 报纸或杂志的)中间跨页. two facing middle pages of a newspaper or magazine (
- 报纸报道等中描写个人的遭遇、 感情等的)人情世故. aspect of a newspaper story, etc that interests people because it describes the experiences, feelings, etc of individuals (
- n. 报纸的早晨版[晚间版/中午版]. Cf 参看 impression 6, reprint n. lunch-time edition of a newspaper
- n. 抱有纯粹主义观点的人对该剧语言中的更改感到震惊. Purists were shocked by the changes made to the text of the play
- vt. 抵抗, 抵制, 阻碍, 打破, 平衡, 解(毒), 消除...的作用, 反作用, 中和, 抵销, 减少, 削弱, 消除, 抵消 counteract
- v. 抵押款高了, 其中一部分可因免税额增加而相抵销. Higher mortgage rates are partly offset by increased tax allowances
- v. 抵消,阻碍,中和 counteract
- 担任...的职; 成为...中的一员 serve on
- 拆除在...中间障碍 remove a barrier between
- n. 拇指页标(书边切割的缺口, 一般按字母顺序排列, 用以标示各字母所在书中的位置, 如某些字典中的). set of lettered notches cut in theedge of a book, used to identify the position of the varioussections in it (eg the words beginning with a certain letter in a dictionary)
- n. 拉丁国际语, 国际语, 中间语言 interlingua
- 拉美国家在WTO中的非正式集团 GRULAC