| - 骨骼外固定器装置术 Application of external fixation appratus
- 高中档服装生产线 garb production line for making high and middle grade garment
- 高低两速点火装置 high-low firing appliance
- 高低温蒸馏装置 low and high temperature fraction distilling apparatus
- 高保真度的音响装置中的)录音座. tape recorder as one component in a hi-fi system (
- 高倍数泡沫发生装置 high-expansion foam-generating equipment
- 高压气体运输装置 High-Pressure Gas Transport Devices
- 高压装置 high pressure assembly
- 高吊回转式装载机 overloader
- 高档、漂亮的衣裳;盛装。 Sunday best, Sunday clothes, Sunday togs, Sunday-go-to-meeting clothes
- n. 高温保持器, 高温传感器, 自动报警装置 pyrostat
- 高温等离子体装置 hot plasma device
- 高真空保险装置 high vacuum cut off
- 高精度热电偶自动校验装置 high accuracy thermocouple automatic checking device
- 高级包装纸 sealing paper
- 高级服装呢 superfine cloth