| - n. 投环套物游戏(套中则获得该物). game in which players try to throw rings over objects in order to win them as prizes
- v. 投球手发了一个旋球(如在板球、 棒球等运动中). spin to the ball, eg in cricket, baseball, etc
- n. 投票时的)计票员(如下议院中者). person appointedto count votes, eg in the House of Commons (
- n. 投资, 投入, 投资额, 投入资金的东西, 包围, 封锁, 覆盖, 授职, 授权, 铁工厂中做模型用的一种耐火物质, 投入的资本, 可获利的东西 investment
- adj. 投镖戏中)投中外环, 得分加倍. hit on the outer ring of the board, scoring double (
- 抗水人造丝轧别丁绸中大衣 water-repellent rayon gabardine surcoat
- 折中苗 compromise bed rice seedlings
- n. 抛靶器(可将泥鸽、 球等弹射至空中作为活靶). device for sending clay pigeons, balls, etc into the air to be shot at
- v. 抢劫(载运中的货物). from a vehicle
- 抢险救援中队 rescue company
- n. 护林人, 林务员, 林中居民, 林中禽兽, 林蛾, 林务官, 砍伐森林的人, 森林人 forester
- n. 报信者, 先驱, 使者, 信使, 送信人, 邮递员, 传令兵, 通信兵, 前驱, 前兆, 顺风筝线飞到空中的纸片, 大轮索, 传递细索, 引绳, 送信者, 报信人 messenger
- n. 报关单(详列包裹、 托运品中应纳税项目的申报表). a customs declaration, ie a form giving details of the contents of a parcel, consignment, etc on which duty may be payable
- n. 报刊文章、 广播节目等中的)人物或事物之简介, 概况, 传略 brief biographyof sb or description of sth in a newspaper article, broadcastprogramme, etc (
- v. 报告中展示的调查结果使抗议者的要求遭到了怀疑. The findings of the report threw discredit on the protesters' claims
- n. 报告中提到该医院需要乾净的洗换物品. The report on the hospital mentions such desiderata as a supply of clean laundry