| - adj. 无感觉的, 无意识的, 不省人事的, 无知觉的, 无知的, 愚蠢的, 无意义的, 昏睡的, 久思考的, 无目的的 senseless
- adj. 无私的, 不考虑自己的, 忘我的 selfless
- 无论如何, 总之, 从各方面考虑 on all accounts (=on every account)
- 无论如何不会考虑到, 决无...之意 not dream of
- 无论如何不会考虑到, 决无...之意 never little dream of
- adj. 无预谋的, 非故意的, 偶然的, 非预谋的, 没有预先考虑过的, 未经事先考虑过的 unpremeditated
- 旧时英国普通教育文凭的)普通级考试. examination of basic standard in the General Certificate of Education (
- 普通中等教育证书(的考试)(在英国80年代末采用, 以取代普通教育和中等教育的普通级考试). Cf 参看 A/S level, Certificate of Secondary Education, General Certificate of Education. any of a range of examinations introduced in Britain in the late 1980s to replace both the Ordinary level GCE and the CSE
- 暂且不要考虑你从直觉上憎恶他这一因素. Set aside for a moment your instinctive dislike of the man
- 替拉曲考 Tiratricol
- n. 最初我凭直觉加以拒绝, 但後来又重新考虑了. My first instinct was to refuse, but later I reconsidered
- v. 有些教师教书如喂食, 使学生不会独立思考. Some teachers spoon-feed their students
- n. 期末考卷已评完分数了. The term papers have been graded
- n. 期末考试中及格者与不及格者的比例 the proportion of passes to failures in the final examination
- adj. 期终考试、 检查、 报告. terminal examinations, inspections, accounts
- adj. 未加思考的, 未预谋的, 自发的, 未思考的 unmeditated