| - v. 将某物)重新点燃 light again (
- 将某项内容写入(合同、 协议等)中 to a ballot paper if this does not include that name; vote for sb in this way 在选票上填写(非原定候选人的姓名); 以这种方式选举. write sth into sth include sth as part of (a contract, an agreement, etc)
- 将树干并排横铺於湿软之地面而成的)木排路. road made of tree trunks laid side-by-side across swampy land (
- adj. 将案件提交上级法院处理 refer a case to a higher court
- n. 将此类病人转给某医生诊治. the referral of such cases to a doctor
- 将水凝固- solidify water
- n. 将水果放在面团中烘制而成的)水果布丁 baked pudding made of dough filled with fruit (
- n. 将污染物质排放到空气里. releasing pollutants into the atmosphere
- v. 将汽车前灯的远光调为近光(改用低位光束, 以免使另一辆车上的驾驶者眼花) dip the headlights of a car, ie lower their beams (so as not to dazzle the driver of another car)
- 将火闷熄 suffocate the fire
- n. 将灰从(炉、 等)里耙出来. remove ashes from (a fire, kiln, etc)
- vi. 将牌低吃,王牌低吃 undertrump
- n. 将牛奶倒入罐中[从罐中倒出] from a jug
- n. 将现代技术用於传统手工业. applying modern techniques to a traditional craft
- v. 将球击偏斜飞至击球员左後方场地. glance the ball down to fine leg
- v. 将球)击入深草区 into the rough (