| - v. 火柴发出嘶嘶声. The match fizzed
- n. 火焰(从喷嘴中)喷出来了. Flames jetted out (of the nozzles).
- adj. 火的, 似火的, 火成的, 含有火的, 引发出火的, 关于、源自或引发岩浆的侵入或喷出的, 引发火山活动的, 火成的 igneous
- 火警箱发出的警报 box alarm
- n. 火车出轨了. The train left the track, ie was derailed
- n. 火车吐著烟驶出了车站. The train puffed out of the station
- n. 火车驶进[出]了车站. out of the station
- 火鸡出血性肠炎 haemorrhagic enteritis of turkey
- adj. 灯塔发出的一闪一灭的光 intermittent flashes of light from a lighthouse
- n. 灯塔在远处发出闪烁的光. A lighthouse was flashing in the distance
- n. 灵媒体外质(据信为灵媒体在恍惚状态中发出的物质). substance that is thought by some to flow from a spiritualistic medium during a trance
- adj. 灿烂的, 有才气的, 杰出的, 光辉的, 辉煌的, 卓越的, 英明的, 才华横溢的, 聪明的, 精明的, 开朗的, 鲜明的, 声音宏亮的, 令人羡慕的, 有才能的, 闪耀的 brilliant
- 炉底出钢 bottom tapping
- vi. 炫耀, 夸耀, 装模作样, 出风头 swank
- 炫耀; 出风头 come out strong
- 炫耀; 招摇过市; 出风头; 惹人注目 cut a swath