| - 把中指交叉在食指上, 求神保佑 keep one's finger crossed
- 把中指交叉在食指上, 求神保佑 have one's finger crossed
- n. 把书中提到的所有人名编入索引. index all the quoted names in a book
- vt. 把从洞穴中逐出, 放出窝, 暴露, 揭开, 揭发 unkennel
- n. 把信件归档放入抽屉中. letters in a drawer
- n. 把剑拔出[插入鞘中]. put it into its sheath
- adj. 把动物从陷阱中放出来. free an animal from a trap
- vt. 把在汤中浸一浸, 浸泡, 下水, 高高跳起把篮球塞入篮中, 泡着吃 dunk
- adj. 把多余的杯子都重新装入箱中. Repack all the superfluous cups in the box
- 把她的名字从名单中除去. Strike her name off the list
- n. 把战争中的重大事件载入编年史中. chronicling the events of a war
- v. 把手)一下子伸进冷水中 into cold water (
- n. 把插枝扦插泥炭中. Root the cuttings in peat
- n. 把搜集的邮票安放到卡片纸上[集邮册中] in an album
- n. 把机器装入大木箱中. a machine
- v. 把枪从他手中夺过来. wrest the gun from his grasp