  • n.  演戏, 行为, 假装, 演技, 演, 装假, (影剧的)演技   acting
  • v.  演绎,引出   educe
  • n.  演说者, 演讲者, 雄辩家, 辩护人, 拥护者, 选发言的学生代表, 原告, 请愿人, 演说家, 原告   orator
  •   漫不经心地吐露口风、 提建议、 说想法等.   throw out a hint, a suggestion, an idea, etc
  •   漫不经心地或随口说某事   utter sth in a casual or spontaneous way
  • v.  潜艇重新浮出水面.   The submarine resurfaced
  • n.  潜艇露出了水面.   The submarine rose to the surface
  •   潜隐性出血   occult bleeding
  • n.  灌木丛中窜一只猫来.   A cat sprang out of the bushes
  • n.  灌铅色子(掷後总以某面朝上, 如6点).   loaded dice, ie one weighted so as to fall in a certain way, eg with the six uppermost
  • adj.  火山冒出的硫化蒸气.   the volcano's sulphurous fumes
  • v.  火山喷出了熔岩.   The volcano spewed molten lava
  • v.  火山喷出了熔岩.   molten lava
  • n.  火山喷出了熔岩.   The volcano poured out molten rock
  • n.  火山喷出的)熔岩   hot liquid rock that comes out of a volcano (
  • v.  火山喷射烟、 熔岩和灰烬.   A volcano emits smoke, lava and ashes