  •   演或编排(戏剧、 歌剧等)   next. 理发师说下一个给我理. 10 [Tn] put on or produce (a play, an opera, etc)
  • adv.  演拖延很久, 最後总算开始了.   After a long delay the performance finally started
  • prep.  演期间将有两次休息.   There will be two intervals during the performance
  •   演本(专给演员排演用的脚本)   acting copy
  • v.  演的)音乐片段, 乐曲   part of a tune or piece of music being performed (
  • n.  演者, 主持人, 演主办人, 经理或总管, 戏剧等的制作人, 导演, 指挥, (剧院、乐团等的)经理人, 经理, 乐队指挥, 舞台监督   impresario
  •   演出者名称   artist
  • adv.  演该节目的主要目的是为了进行教育.   The purpose of the programme is primarily educational
  •   演说明书中对音乐、 戏剧作品、 演员经历等的)简介.   of a musical work, a play, an actor's career, etc (
  • n.  演非常成功, 唯偶有音调失误.   It was a superb performance, despite occasional lapses of intonation
  • n.  演员一定要懂得何时场和退场.   An actor must learn his entrances and exits, ie when to enter and leave the stage
  • n.  演员首次(登台等)演   first appearance in public as a performer (on stage, etc)
  • adj.  演唱者未唱出水平.   The singer gave an erratic performance
  • n.  演奏, 解释, 翻译, 再现, 演, 对音乐或剧本的解释, 施行, 给予, 引渡, 放弃, 生产额, 表演, 演, 演唱, 翻译   rendition
  • n.  演奏乐曲或说话时流露的)感情   showing feeling for the meaning when playing music or speaking (
  •   演奏(音乐);演(戏剧);扮演(角色);以绘画等表现(某人[某物])   render vi. give a performance of (music,a play,a character.etc); give a portrayal of (sb/sth)in painting,etc.