| - 扬着帆, 在航行中 under sail
- v. 扮演一角色(通常於现实生活中为某种目的) Alcohol acts on the brain. ?W酒精对大脑有影响. act sth out act a part, usu in a real-life situation and for some purpose
- 扰动中心 center distrubance
- n. 批发商, 计件工, 散工, 临时工人, 股票经纪人, 独立的汽油批发商, 假公济私的人, 零件印刷机, 出租车、马的人, 股票经纪人, 证券经纪人, 中间商, 临时工, 做散工者 jobber
- adj. 找出论据中的弱点. identify the weak points in an argument, ie those which may be attacked most easily
- n. 找到了(一生中)真正的职业 find one's true vocation (in life)
- n. 抄袭他人之物(如考试中) thing copied dishonestly from the work of another, eg in an examination
- 把...从危难中抢救出来, 使转败为胜 pull out of the fire
- 把...从危难中抢救出来, 使转败为胜 snatch out of the fire
- vt. 把...关入笼内, 关入笼中, 放到笼里 cage
- vt. 把...放在中心 heart
- v. 把...浸于稀硫酸中 vitrioled
- n. 把...浸于稀硫酸中 vitrioling
- vt. 把...浸于稀硫酸中 vitriols
- 把...浸入(液体)中 dip into
- 把...盛在盘中端上; (用餐时)分(饭) dish out