  • vi.  滴, 淌, 细流, 流液体, 慢慢地移动, 滴滴嗒嗒, 稀稀落落地来去, 慢慢地泄漏   trickle
  • n.  滴, 滴下物, 水滴, 滴下声, 滴下物, 水滴, 金属滴液, (煮、烤肉时冒来的)油汁, 滴下, 油滴   dripping
  • n.  漂浮物, 漂浮, 浮力, 浮泛物, 浮水面部分, 火车轮渡费   floatage
  • n.  漏, 溢, 溢液, 漏, 倾泻, 溢量, 溢之物   spillage
  • n.  漏洞, 裂隙, 漏隙, 漏, 漏水, 渗漏, 漏物, 漏电, 漏泄电阻, 撒尿, 分支, 泄漏的液体或气体, 消息走漏, 撒尿, 漏, 泄漏   leak
  • n.  演一晚换一处的巡回演.   a series of ,one-night `stands
  • n.  演出《哈姆雷特》.   give a performance of Hamlet
  • n.  演主持人(如歌舞喜剧、 流行音乐会等的).   person who organizes public entertainments, eg musicals, pop concerts, etc
  • n.  演团(常在一起演的演员)   a company of players, ie a number of actors regularly performing together
  •   演好[不好], 干得好[不好]   put up a good show
  •   演好[不好], 干得好[不好]   put up a bad show
  • int.  演小组应听众之请又演了三个节目.   The group gave three encores
  •   演开始时很差劲, 但近结尾处就好多了.   The performance started badly but picked up towards the end
  •   演出很成功.   The performance went off well
  • n.  演快进行到最惊险的部分时响起了咚咚的鼓声.   A `drum roll preceded the most dangerous part of the performance
  •   演或现某事物(尤指在现实生活中)   perform or enact sth, esp in real life