| - v. 溢出,洒,使...流出 spill
- vi. 溢出,涌流,充满 spill
- 溢出化学品围栏 chemical spill containment boom
- 溢出式铸塑模 flash mold
- 溢出油吸收器 oil spill aspirator
- n. 溢出物, 溢出, 过剩 overflowing
- 溢出物围栅 booming of spills
- n. 溢水, 溢流, 外溢, 溢出, 溢出口, 海底突然下凹之处, 没于水面下的砂丘或浅滩, 泄洪区 overfall
- n. 溢落的东西, 过剩人口, 溢出物, 过剩物资 overspill
- 滚出去! Cf 参看 in1 1. Out you go! ie Go out!
- n. 滚出去!'他嚷道. Get out of here!' he stormed. `
- n. 滚动钓, 犁柄的铁制的突出部分, 拖钓鱼钩, 牵引杆 drail
- n. 滚磨, 滚磨, 齿面修整, 辊身做出凸度, 装桶, 转桶清砂法 barrelling
- adj. 滞销的, 不能上市的, 卖不出去的 unmarketable
- n. 满座的演出(如音乐会). for which all the tickets have been sold
- 滤过式浸出器 percolation extractor