  • v.  我胡思乱想著要到国去工作.   I'm flirting with the idea of getting a job in China
  • adj.  我脑有一闪念, 以为他要拒绝了.   Just for an instant I thought he was going to refuse
  •   我腰痛正在治疗中.   I'm having treatment for my lumbago
  • v.  我被落下的石块击了.   I was hit by a falling stone
  • n.  我觉得很难说谁会在选举获胜.   I find it hard to judge how the election will go, ie who will win
  • adj.  我认为我荣获奥运会金牌时是我一生最重要的时刻.   Winning an Olympic gold medal was, I suppose, the supreme moment of my life
  • adj.  我认识的人当, 数他最稳重.   He's about the most stable person I know
  •   我请公共汽车司机在快到市心时让我下车.   I asked the bus driver to put me off near the town centre
  • n.  我迁居到这个国家是心有数的, 所以我并无怨言.   I moved to this country with my eyes open; so I'm not complaining
  • adj.  我这篇小说所有的地点和人物都是虚构的.   All the places and characters in my novel are entirely fictitious
  •   我隐约看见黑暗有个人影.   I could just make out a figure in the darkness
  • n.  我需要一份三明治以解腹之饥.   I need a sandwich to take the edge off my appetite
  • n.  戒毒过程出现的症状.   withdrawal symptoms
  • n.  戒毒(或戒酒)中心.   a detoxification centre, ie where drug addicts or alcoholics are treated
  • n.  战争、 拳击、 击剑等的)佯攻, 虚晃.   pretended attack to distract an opponent's attention from the main attack (
  • n.  战争可能出现的情况.   a possible scenario for war