| - 宽带(ADSL技术即非对称数字用户环路技术) ADSL(Asymetric Digital Subscriber Line)
- n. 宾客对食物交口称赞. The guests went into rhapsodies over the food
- 对...是不相称[适宜]的 (be) unbecoming to [for]
- n. 对伯爵长子的尊称)子爵 courtesy title of an earl's eldest son (
- 对女人友好的称呼;女校友 old girl
- n. 对女子的敬称, 对已婚未婚者均可使用, 通常用於不相识者) polite form of address to a woman, whether married or unmarried, usu sb one does not know personally
- 对普通的照门和准星的通称 Iron sight
- 对普通的照门和准星的通称 open sight
- adj. 对某事物来说)更可取的, 更称心的, 更适宜的 ; more desirable or suitable (
- adj. 对某些高级官员的尊称). title given to certain high officials
- v. 对某项指控坚称无罪. maintain that one is innocent of a charge
- n. 对称, 匀称, 整齐, 调和, 匀称美, 相称 symmetry
- 对称三向转辙器 symmetrical threethrow switch
- 对称二氯乙烯 acetylene dichloride
- 对称二氯乙烷 sym-dichloroethane
- 对称二氯乙烷 CH2ClCH2Cl