Chinese English Phrase:
  • prep.  前面一辆公共汽车突停住, 我险些撞上.   I nearly ran into a bus when it stopped suddenly in front of me
  •   剪短;削短;(突)中止;打断;缩短;从简   cut short
  • adv.  加之, 而, 同样, 而且, 又, 同时, 还有, 另一方面, 此外, 依, 对此   withal
  • adj.  动物园中的动物没有自环境.   Animals in zoos are not in their natural surroundings
  • n.  动物舐食天岩盐或咸土的地方.   place where animals go to lick salty rock or earth
  •   勃大怒 (= get into a temper)   fly into a temper
  •   勃然大怒, 大发脾气   explode with anger
  •   勃然大怒, 大发雷霆   fly into a passion
  • n.  勃大怒[大动感情/大发雷霆].   temper
  • adj.  勃然大怒、 大发雷霆   fly into an ungovernable rage, temper,etc
  • adv.  勇敢地, 英勇地, 毅地, 漂亮地, 华丽地, 鲜艳地   bravely
  • n.  勉强而粗鲁地[欣而情愿地]   willingly and cheerfully
  • v.  勒死警卫後抢保险箱   throttled the guard before robbing the safe
  • vt.  匆促,贸然,急忙   rushed
  • adj.  匆忙的, 贸然的   rushed
  •   化学突然变异诱发源   chemical mutagen