灭Chinese English Phrase:
| - n. 火的熄灭、 政治运动的平息、 青年人希望的幻灭. the extinction of a fire, a political movement, youthful hopes
- 火花猝灭电容器 spark quenching condenser
- 灭失原因 cause of loss
- 灭害威杀虫剂 aminocarb
- 灭幼虫制剂 larvae exterminating preparation
- 灭弧电抗器 arc suppressing reactor
- 灭弧罩 cease spark cover
- 灭杀螨混剂 Citrateck
- n. 灭滴灵, 甲硝哒唑 metronidazole
- 灭火作业分区指挥 operations branch director
- 灭火作业段 division
- 灭火作业班 attack crew
- 灭火作业班成员 crew member
- 灭火作业班班长 crew boss
- 灭火作业班班长 straw boss
- 灭火作业班班长 supervisor