| - n. 根据某人[某事物](本身)的品质、 价值等来考虑、 判断...某人[某事物]. its own qualities, worth, etc, regardless of one's personal feelings
- 根据法律, 从法律上看 in the eye(s) of the law
- n. 根据法律须付的)赡养费, 扶养费 money that one is legally required to pay to support sb (
- 根据特定规定建造的船艇 class boat
- prep. 根据租约规定, 你无权转租物业. Under the terms of the lease you had no right to sublet the property
- adj. 根据经验做出的猜测(因此可能是正确的). an ,educated `guess guess based on experience (and therefore probably correct)
- n. 根据罗织的罪名被捕. arrested on a trumped-up charge
- n. 根据臆想写出的报刊文章 a newspaper article based on supposition, ie only on what the writer supposes to be true, not on fact
- 根据船舶要求而发出无线电测向方位供船舶定位的海岸电台 coast radio station providing QTG service
- v. 根据英国的法律, 被告未经证明有罪即认为是清白的. innocent until he is proved guilty
- adj. 根据蛇身上的斑纹就能把蝮蛇同其他蛇类区别开来. Vipers are distinguishable from other snakes by their markings
- n. 根据衣著寒酸这一点可以把他们认出来. They were recognizable by the poverty of their dress
- 根据表面现象看问题有时是不可取的. It's not always wise to go by appearances
- adj. 根据观察的, 观察的, 观测的 observational
- 根据规定, 申请者一律需经笔试. It is laid down that all applicants must sit a written exam
- n. 根据证人证词所示, 案发时你在犯罪现场. According to the witness's testimony, you were present when the crime was committed