| - n. 女修道会, 女修道院, 修女的团体 convent
- n. 女修道院, 居姑庵, 尼庵, 尼姑庵 nunnery
- n. 女修道院副院长, 小女修道院院长, 大女修道院副院长 prioress
- adj. 女修道院的, [Conventual]圣芳济会修士(团)的 conventual
- n. 女修道院院长, 女庵主持 abbess
- 女修道院院长(的称号). Mother Superior of a convent
- n. 女隐士,女修道者 anchoress
- n. 她一直在修剪玫瑰. She has been pruning the roses
- 她专修中世纪史. Her speciality is medieval history
- n. 她付了维修费以减轻内疚感. She paid the repair bill as a salve to her conscience
- v. 她修剪玫瑰花时把自己划伤了一大片. She scratched herself badly while pruning the roses
- n. 她决定弃绝尘世去当修女. She decided to renounce the world and enter a convent
- n. 她同意签订这合同, 其中规定一年之後得加以修订. She accepted the contract with the provision that it would be revised after a year
- 她很喜欢自己干维修活儿. She's very keen on do it yourself
- v. 她把椅子翻转过来修理. She turned the chair on its side to repair it
- adj. 她明年选修法语. She is taking French as an elective next year