(英联邦中一国派驻另一国的)高级专员(相当於大使). embassy of one Commonwealth country in another (英联邦中一国派驻另一国的)高级专员公署. Cf 参看 consulate1. ,High Com`missionerhead of this (equivalent to an ambassador)
v. (获得学士学位後)攻读高级学位 go on to obtain a higher university degree after obtaining a first degree
n. (证券交易所中)买进股份以期不久可高价卖出的人 person who buys shares hoping to sell them soon afterwards at a higher price
`你们要提高生产率, 不然就把你们解雇!'`这是要挟!' Increase productivity or lose your jobs.' `That's blackmail'