  • prep.  我分不出双胞胎谁是谁.   I can't tell one twin from the other
  • n.  我发现灌木丛有些动静.   I detected a slight movement in the undergrowth
  • n.  我可不想把我的名字扯进丑事去.   I don't want my name dragged through the muck, ie mentioned contemptuously, in connection with scandal
  • n.  我可以约见负责人吗? (b) In indirect questions, can becomes could and may becomes might 在间接问句, 要把can改成could, 把may改成might   Could I arrange a meeting with the director?
  •   我司专门从事国丝绸衣服出口   Our specialization is the exportation of Chinese silk garments
  • n.  我因毒品事落入警方手.   I'm in trouble with the police over drugs
  • n.  我国议会数一数二的雄辩家.   one of our most eminent parliamentarians
  • n.  我在公共汽车上, 一边一个胖子把我夹在间不能动.   I sandwiched myself between two fat men on the bus
  • v.  我在工作常和各种人打交道.   In my job, I mix with all sorts of people
  • n.  我在工作的一个收获是能认识许多人.   One reward of my job is meeting people
  • n.  我在想像彷佛听到她在呼唤我.   In my imagination, I thought I heard her calling me
  • adj.  我在报告对该问题作了详细的探讨.   The question is discussed at large in my report
  • v.  我在掷镖游戏远远胜过了他.   I walloped him at darts
  • n.  我在日记记载著我的一切希望和计画.   My diary is the repository of all my hopes and plans
  • n.  我在曙色朦胧看不清他们的脸.   I couldn't see their faces clearly in the twilight
  •   我在曼哈顿心区有一套住房.   I have an apartment in downtown Manhattan