| - n. 我们的办公楼在市中心. Our office is in the centre of the town
- adj. 我们的房子离村中两家酒馆距离相等. Our house is equidistant from the two pubs in the village
- adj. 我们的现货中没有那种颜色--这是最近似的. We don't have that colour in stock this is the nearest
- v. 我们的眼睛在黑暗中看不见东西. Our eyes could not penetrate the darkness
- n. 我们的船在浅水中[在沙滩上]搁浅. on a sandbank
- 我们社会中普遍存在著根深蒂固的保守思想. There is a deep-seated conservatism running through our society
- v. 我们社会中贫富之间的鸿沟. a yawning gap between the rich and poor in our society
- adj. 我们要在中午前後走. We're leaving round about midday
- n. 我们计画中的访问不得不取消. Our projected visit had to be cancelled
- 我们设了个圈套, 他们就正好中计. We played a trick on them and they fell right into it
- adj. 我们请求她在选举中给予支持, 但她(对我们的请求)无动於衷. We asked for her support in the election, but she wasn't sympathetic (to our request).
- n. 我们走旁道, 就能避开市镇的中心. If we take the bypass we'll avoid the town centre
- 我们距离购物中心不远, 非常方便. the shopping centre
- n. 我们都从经验中学习. We all learn by experience
- n. 我们须在我们日常公务中建立一些制度. We must introduce some system into our office routine
- v. 我们)在丛林中用长刀砍出一条路. slashing our way through the jungle with long knives (