  • n.  法定人数, 治安法官, 特选的一群人, (有效的)法定人数, 选的团体   quorum
  • n.  法庭对此案仍需做判决.   in this case
  • n.  法庭律师, 律师, 律师, 法律顾问, 庭律师, 法律顾问   barrister
  • v.  法律禁止烟贩向儿童售香烟.   The law prohibits tobacconists from selling cigarettes to children
  • n.  法律草案, 祈祷, 祷告, 法案的提, 连祷, 祈祷仪式, (常用pl)(基督升天节前三天的)祈祷   rogation
  • n.  法警(尤指负责带位并宣布法官庭的).   official in a lawcourt, esp one who takes people to their seats and announces the arrival of the judge
  • n.  法语试卷是我们的班主任的.   The French paper was set by our form teacher
  •   法院作出的离婚判决.   order of a lawcourt by which two people are finally divorced
  • n.  法院匆促做的不公正裁决使这次审判形同儿戏.   The unfair and hasty decision of the court made a mockery of the trial
  • v.  法院批准他掘出尸体.   The court granted him permission to disinter the body
  • n.  泛滥, 产后血, 注水, 灌溉, 溢流, 液阻现象, 变色, 血崩, 溢流   flooding
  • v.  泛滥, 溢出, 充溢   overflow
  • n.  泛滥成灾,超出限度   overrun
  • vi.  泡流分裂, 发汨汨声, 起气泡, 产生涡流, 滔滔不绝地嘟囔, 暗笑, 暗暗地生气, 发汩汩声, 咿呀学语, 嘟囔, 窃笑   burble
  • n.  泥, 泥泞, 泥状雪, 泥浆, 软泥, 料泥, 污水, 沉淀物, 矿泥, 煤泥, 淤泥, 淤渣, 钻泥, 酸渣, 碱渣, 血管中凝集的红血球, 水与粉状物质的混合物, 金属碎屑, 小块的浮冰, 胡说, 脏话, 猥亵行为, 污泥, (下水道排的)污物   sludge
  • v.  泥土被洪水冲走, 露光秃秃的岩石.   The soil was washed away by the flood, exposing bare rock