  • n.  戏剧、 电影等的)剧名角色, 片名角色   part in a play, etc that is used as the title (
  • n.  戏剧、 电影等的)间休息, 幕间休息   short period of time separating the parts of a play, film, etc; interval (
  • adj.  戏剧和电影)次要的   of secondary importance (
  •   戏剧性讽示(一种戏剧效果, 观众领会到剧人言行的含义而剧人本身却未领会到).   effect produced in a drama, etc when the audience understands the implications of words or actions better than the characters do themselves
  • n.  戏剧或歌剧的)场, (一场的)一段情节   part of an act in a play or opera; episode within such a part (
  • n.  戏剧或电影的)片段, 场面   sequence of continuous action in a play, film, etc (
  • n.  戏剧等的)与剧名相同的角色   title-role in a play, etc (
  •   戏剧等)演主角的演员.   actor taking the chief part in a play, etc (
  • n.  戏院票价最廉的)顶层楼座   highest and cheapest seats in a theatre (
  •   成为主角或明星; 成为观众注意的心   star it
  •   成功或实现的机会很大; 在狱; 储备; 搁置; 暂缓   on ice
  • n.  成文法中没有规定的.   not on the statute book, ie not included in statute law
  • n.  成群的歹徒犯法後栖身於树林.   Bands of outlaws lived in the forest
  •   成长中心   growth centre
  • suff.  我一到家就发现家被盗.   On arriving home I discovered the burglary
  • v.  我一生从未听到过这种胡言乱语! there's one born every `minute (saying 谚) there are a lot of gullible people 总会有人上当的. to the manner born => manner.   I've never heard such nonsense in all my born days!