  • n.  你要是总瞎忙个完, 我们非迟到不可.   If you keep fussing about, we're sure to be late
  • n.  你说的话没有道理.   What you say makes no sense
  • v.  你连试著举一下都试过.   You haven't even tried to lift it
  • adj.  你迟到了, 真没礼貌.   It was discourteous of you to arrive late
  • n.  你骗不了我--你根本就病!   You can't con me -- you're not really ill!
  • adj.  你)还有得到新的工作就辞去现有的工作太不慎重了.   to resign from your present job before you are offered another. (
  •   使(某人)进退两难, 有着落   keep sb. in the air
  • vt.  使...隔绝, 使隔绝, 使分离, 隐遁, 扣押, 收, 查封, 把交第三者保管, 接收, 多价螯合, 使隔离   sequester
  • vt.  使充溢, 淹, 使陷入困境, 使穷于应付   swamp
  • vt.  使害怕, 惊吓, 鬼怪般地出于   spook
  • v.  使某物浸没於液体中   put sth under the surface of a liquid
  • v.  使沉入水中,淹没   submerse
  • vt.  使沉,使摔倒,弄跛,浸水,破坏   founder
  • v.  使浸水, 潜入水中, 使陷入, 浸, 淹, 掩   submerge
  • vt.  使消失, 除去, 抹煞, 使湮, 使被忘却, 涂去, 擦去, 删去, 消灭...痕迹, 消除, 涂掉, 擦掉, 消灭, 彻底毁灭, 删除   obliterate
  • vt.  使漂浮,容纳,淹,发行,实行,用水注满   float