  • n.  根据会议等的规定等   according to the rules, etc of a meeting, etc
  • v.  据出身不同而区别待人是不对的.   It is wrong to differentiate between people according to their family background
  • n.  据占星术算命. Cf 参看 astrology, zodiac.   read one's horoscope
  • n.  据官册享有的不动产, 副本保有土地, 据官册享有的不动产   copyhold
  • adj.  据官册享有的不动产的, 据官册享有的不动产的   copyhold
  • n.  据已知事实提出并有待於进一步论证或研究的)假说, 假设   idea or suggestion that is based on known facts and is used as a basis for reasoning or further investigation (
  • adj.  据微不足道的证据被判罪.   condemned on the slimmest of evidence
  •   据愿望的想法,如意算盘; 痴心妄想   a wishful thinking
  • n.  据我的理解, 我们将在这儿见面.   My understanding was that we would meet here
  • pron.  据所见、 所闻等推测出真相   双方均有责任(婚姻关系、 争吵、 休战等). put ,two and ,two `together guess the truth from what one sees, hears, etc
  • adj.  据持有皇家特许状的专业协会的规章)合格的   qualified according to the rules of a professional association which has a royal charter (
  • n.  根据数字顺序的指示   by `numbers following a sequence of instructions identified by numbers
  •   根据最新的研究成果   in line with the latest research
  • n.  据有经验记者的高见.   in the sage opinion of experienced journalists
  •   据权利的, 正当的, 权利上的, 法律上的   de jure [5dVuEri]
  •   据某事物)形成意见或做出判断   form an opinion or a judgement from sth (