| - suff. 在八月中一个晴朗的日子 on a sunny day in August
- adv. 在周日夜晚,在每个周日夜晚 weeknights
- n. 在圣瓦伦廷节(2月14日)寄给情人的贺卡(通常匿名). to a sweetheart
- n. 在基督教国家中星期天是假日. Sunday is a holiday in Christian countries
- n. 在夏日绚丽的景色中, 花园显得很美. The garden looks beautiful in its summer finery, ie with its bright flowers, lawns, etc
- n. 在家中度过星期六和星期日 spend the weekend at home
- 在小学逐步实行全日制 implement whole-day primary schooling progressively
- n. 在尼日利亚当讲师的三年任期. a tour of three years as a lecturer in Nigeria
- n. 在成就如日中天时, 其势锐不可当. In the full flush of success, nothing was an obstacle
- n. 在政府中任高职要日理万机. the exactions of a senior post in government
- n. 在日光下看, 颜色显得不同. The colours look different when viewed in daylight
- n. 在日志中临时记下(建议的日期、 安排等) provisionally in a diary
- suff. 在星期日 on Sunday(s)
- n. 在某些工业中)每一工作日的标准工作量 amount of work expected or required in a working day (
- v. 在某些议会中如法国和日本)(就政府政策)质询(部长或大臣)而中断议会议程. about a matter of government policy, thus interrupting parliamentary proceedings (
- adj. 在欧洲大陆的假日. a continental holiday