| - 无耻的懦夫, 十足的胆小鬼 a sad coward
- v. 无让步条件比赛的参加者、 高尔夫球员等. a scratch player, golfer, etc
- 无论境遇好坏她的丈夫都对她忠贞不渝. Her husband stuck by her in good times and bad
- n. 日本天皇, 帝, 米卡多塔夫绸, 天皇 mikado
- n. 旧时)客栈的马夫. man looking after horses at an inn; stableman (
- n. 旧时)科伊夫帽(覆盖著头的顶部、 後部及两侧的紧帽). close-fitting cap covering the top, back and sides of the head (
- n. 旧时)(专事点熄路灯的)灯夫. person whose job was to light and extinguish gas street lamps (
- 普拉托夫丝毛呢 platove
- 曼夫雷多尼亚 Manfredonia
- n. 有十八个洞的高尔夫球场. an ,eighteen-hole `golf-course
- n. 有双份收入的家庭(如夫妻皆工作) a family with two incomes, eg when the husband and wife both do paid work
- 有工夫, 有空 find time
- n. 木制高尔夫球杆之一种, 铜头球棒, 第二号木棒, 木制高尔夫球杆的一种 brassie
- n. 木材, 木头, 木, 木质, 木板, 木柴, 柴火, 树林, 森林, 木桶, 木刻, 木制管乐器, 木头的高尔夫球棒, 木制品, 树林, 树木 wood
- n. 未婚夫,未婚妻 intended
- 朱尔夫莱斯费尔 Jorf Lasfar