| - n. 附屬裝飾, 副業, 副業産品, 附屬裝飾, 補遺, 附錄, 附屬物 parergon
- 限位控製裝置 limit control
- 限製裝置 restraint device
- 限流過電流保護裝置 current-limiting overcurrent protective device
- 限速裝置 speed limiting device
- n. 除冰裝置, 去冰器, 防冰器, 防凍加熱器, 防凍劑 deicer
- n. 除冰裝置, 防結冰裝置 defroster
- vt. 除去...上的冰, 防止...結冰, 防冰, 除冰(亦作de-ic), 防止結冰, 裝以除冰裝置, 除冰 deice
- 除鐵除錳裝置 deiron demanganese equipment
- n. 陶製蓋碗, 陶製蓋碗食品, 沙鍋, 陶罐, 一種羹湯, 陶罐裝食品, 連同食品一起出售的陶罐 terrine
- 陶瓷雙列直插式封裝 cerdip
- 陶瓷雙列直插式封裝 cerdip package
- 陶瓷封裝專用設備 porcelain seal-packing equipment
- 陶瓷封裝晶體管 porcelain-sealed transistor
- n. 陷阱或報警裝置的)絆索, 絆網. wire stretched close to the ground, which works a trap or warning device, etc when a person or an animal trips against it (
- n. 隨便提起自己認識的或假裝認識的名人以引人矚目的做法. practice of casually mentioning the names of famous people one knows or pretends one knows in order to impress others