  •   恒生五十中型股指数   Hang Seng Midcap 50 Index
  • n.  恢复, 重新开始, 继续, 再使用, 再取回, 重新占用, 摘要, 概要, 恢复硬币支付, (断后)再继续, 取回, 再开始, 重获, 再继续   resumption
  •   恢复室(医院护理做过手术的病人的屋子).   room in a hospital where patients are kept for observation after an operation
  • v.  恢复我们与国的联系.   contacts with China
  • n.  息肉(如鼻腔中的).   any of several kinds of tumour (eg in the nose)
  • adj.  恶意中伤的信、 谣言.   a mischievous letter, rumour
  • n.  恶棍, 美国华人区黑社会的党羽   highbinder
  • n.  恶魔似的人, 诱惑者, 靡菲斯特(歌德所作《浮士德》的恶魔), 魔鬼般的人, 狡猾刻毒的人, 摩菲斯特(哥德所著《浮士德》的魔鬼), 魔鬼   mephistopheles
  • n.  悠悠(玩具, 为木制或塑料制两厚圆盘, 间有一深沟连接一绳, 用手指抻绳可使之沿绳上下移动)   toy consisting of two thick discs of wood or plastic with a deep groove between, which can be made to rise and fall on an attached string when this is jerked with a finger
  • n.  患难建立起来的友谊. Cf 参看 weld.   a friendship forged by adversity
  •   您在评论批评的那个作者已经写了一封回信.   The author whom you criticized in your review has written a letter in reply
  •   您是跟谁一起去的? In defining relative clauses whom is also unusual. 在限定性关系从句也很少用 whom 这个词. The object pronoun is often omitted or replaced by who or that 在这种从句, 宾格代词 whom 往往省去不用, 或用who或that代之   Who did you go with?
  • vt.  悬, 挂, 吊, 暂停, 止, 吊起, 悬挂, 使停职, 除名, 悬而未决, 保留, 暂时不做判决, 推迟、缓期, 暂时作废, 使悬浮, 悬于水, 悬于空, 暂缓, (由于行为不端或犯规)暂停(某人)参加   suspend
  • adj.  悬吊的, 支持的, 暂时止的, 悬挂的, 止的   suspensory
  • n.  悬挂, 吊死, 悬挂方式, 垂下状态, 悬挂的方式, (动作的)暂停, 止   hang
  • n.  悬挂, 未决, 止, 悬, 吊, 悬挂物, 悬而未决, 保留, 暂停, 停职, 停学, 悬浮, 悬胶, 同纬映象, 悬留法, 悬留音, 悬疑法, 停止支付, 悬浮体, 悬浮液, 延迟   suspension