| - n. 急变, 骤然的中断, 突变, 急转, 急跳, 推理中的跳越, 跃度, 振幅 saltus
- n. 急於做或坚持做(某事等)(尤与以下句中名词连用) urgently or repeatedly (used esp with the ns shown)
- 急速中止 shortstops
- 性中枢 sexual centre
- n. 性格中含有忧郁的成分 have a vein of melancholy in one's character
- n. 性格中的)弱点, 缺陷, 短处 ; shortcoming (
- n. 总之, 我认为我们都同情剧中的女主人公. In the final analysis I think our sympathy lies with the heroine of the play
- 总空中悬浮物 TSP Total Suspended Particle
- 总线中枢 Bus Hub
- n. 总统在盛大的仪式中乘车从街上通过. The President was driven in state through the streets
- 总统的汽车到达时, 群众中爆发出热烈的掌声. As the President's car arrived, the crowd broke into loud applause
- n. 恒温器(如中央供暖的建筑物、 烤箱等中的). device for automatically regulating temperature by cutting off orrestoring a supply of heat (eg in a centrally-heated building,an oven, etc)
- 恒生中国企业指数〔恒生国企指数〕 Hang Seng China Enterprises Index [HSCEI]
- 恒生中国企业指数期货 Hang Seng China Enterprises Index Futures
- 恒生中型股指数成分股 Hang Seng Midcap Index constituent stock
- 恒生中资企业指数 Hang Seng China Enterprises Index (HSCEI)