| - 非苦战不能幸免, 处于绝境 with one's back to the wall
- 非语言所能形容, 非笔墨所能描述 beggar description
- 非语言所能形容, 非笔墨所能描述 defy description
- 非语言所能形容, 非笔墨所能描述 baffle description
- adj. 非道德的, 无关道德问题的, 不涉及道德的, 非道德亦非不道德的, 不道德的, 与道德无关的, 无辨别是非能力的 unmoral
- 靠...的力量, 由于 (He was promoted by virtue of his ability. 他是靠他的才能被提升的。) by [in] virtue of
- v. 音乐会後她徘徊不去, 希望能一见明星. She lingered after the concert, hoping to meet the star
- adj. 音乐家的,有音乐才能的,音乐技巧高明的 musicianly
- n. 音乐技巧, 音乐感, 音乐才能, 音乐修养, 音乐鉴赏力 musicianship
- v. 音乐的声音实在太大, 我们只有彼此大声喊叫才能把话听清. The music was so loud we had to bellow at each other to be heard
- adj. 音波的, 音速的, 声波的, 声音的, 声速的, 能发声音的, 有关声波的 sonic
- n. 顶风能力,抗风暴能力 weatherliness
- 顺境中的朋友(不能共患难者). person who stops being a friend when one is in trouble
- 顾客如能出示收据, 我们才能予以退货. We only take goods back if customers can produce the receipt
- 预测用肺功能值计算器 Predictive pulmonary-function value calculator
- 预知未来或见到遥远事物的能力. ability to know what is going to happen, or to see events happening far away (as if one were present)