| - v. 根据出身不同而区别待人是不对的. It is wrong to differentiate between people according to their family background
- n. 根据已知事实提出并有待於进一步论证或研究的)假说, 假设 idea or suggestion that is based on known facts and is used as a basis for reasoning or further investigation (
- pron. 根据所见、 所闻等推测出真相 双方均有责任(婚姻关系、 争吵、 休战等). put ,two and ,two `together guess the truth from what one sees, hears, etc
- 根据某事物)形成意见或做出判断 form an opinion or a judgement from sth (
- adj. 根据经验做出的猜测(因此可能是正确的). an ,educated `guess guess based on experience (and therefore probably correct)
- n. 根据臆想写出的报刊文章 a newspaper article based on supposition, ie only on what the writer supposes to be true, not on fact
- 根据船舶要求而发出无线电测向方位供船舶定位的海岸电台 coast radio station providing QTG service
- n. 根据衣著寒酸这一点可以把他们认出来. They were recognizable by the poverty of their dress
- 根据通胀而作出的调整 inflation-related adjustment
- 根除性筋膜下剥出(如Luinton法)有或无皮肤移植 Stripping, subfascial, radical as Linton type with or without skin graft
- n. 格子细工(在木头上雕出各种图案), 纹细工, 浮凸细工, 线条与空间图案, 浮雕细工 fretwork
- adj. 桃似的, 桃色的, 出色的, 桃子的, 漂亮的, 愉快的, 极好的 peachy
- n. 桌面出版(使用微型计算机和印字机, 尤指激光印字机印刷的). printer to produce high-quality printed material
- 桶装的, 可以从桶内汲出的(以别于瓶装的) on draughtboard
- 桶装的, 随时可以从桶里汲出的 on draft
- n. 梦幻之境, 恍惚, 著迷, 出神, 迷睡, 神志昏迷, 昏睡状态, 催眠状态, 入定, 阴魂附体, 发呆, 精神恍惚, 着迷, 迷睡 trance