| - v. 迅速而随意地翻动(书等)的页. quickly and casually
- n. 过马路、 过河、 过桥、 穿过沙漠、 越过大海、 翻过高山 cross a road, a river, a bridge, a desert, the sea, the mountains
- adj. 这两种翻译之间只有些细微的区别. There are only small differences between the two translations
- n. 这座教堂的全部结构需要维修翻新. The entire fabric of the church needs renovation
- n. 这本书未经作者许可就给翻译了. The book was translated without the sanction of the author
- n. 这种所谓的翻译纯粹一窍不通. This so-called translation is pure nonsense
- v. 这首诗听起来像是翻译作品. a translation
- vt. 违反, 触犯(法律等), 否定, 反驳, 推翻(论据等), 同...抵触[冲突, 不协调], 破坏, 侵犯, 抵触 contravene
- adv. 逐字地, 按照字面上地, 不夸张地, 照字义, 真正, 完全, 差不多, 简直, 精确地, 逐字翻译地, 照字面意义 literally
- adj. 逐字的, 字面上的, 文字的, 文字上的, 逐字逐句的, 没有夸张的, 求实的, 严密的, 字母的, 精确的, 逐字翻译的, 照字面的, 原意的, 照字面上的, 无夸张的 literal
- v. 那个女孩儿翻过了墙. The girl scrambled over the wall
- n. 那孩子翻著跟头从体育馆这头翻到那头. The child somersaulted across the gymnasium
- 那政权被推翻以後, 有一段时期是无政府状态. The overthrow of the regime was followed by a period of anarchy
- v. 那汽车一打滑, 翻倒後起火了. The car skidded, turned over and burst into flames
- 那片地是用 翻的. The soil had been turned up by the plough
- n. 那片草地已用 翻过. The meadow's been ploughed up