| - v. 你现在得吃得饱饱的--你今天可能再没饭吃了. You should stoke up now you may not get another meal today
- v. 你的大衣别蹭著墙--涂料还没乾呢. Don't let your coat touch the wall the paint's still wet
- suff. 你的帽子没戴正. Your hat's not on straight
- n. 你的论点一开头我们就清楚了--没必要一再重复. Your argument was clear to us from the start there's no need to labour the point
- 你看见了吗? 看见了[没看见]. No I haven't
- v. 你看见没看见他骑著自己的新摩托车在市区飞驰? Have you seen him zapping around town on his new motor bike?
- v. 你祈求实现愿望时没闭上眼睛, 所以不算数! You didn't shut your eyes before you made the wish, so it doesn't count!
- indef det 你穿什麽衣服没有多大关系. It doesn't much matter what you wear
- adv. 你肯定没做过! You never did! ie Surely you didn't
- v. 你能想像出生活中没有电会是一幅什麽样的情景吗? Can you imagine what it would be like to live without electricity?
- v. 你能稍等一下吗? 我和安还没完事呢. Can you wait a minute? I haven't finished with Ann yet
- adj. 你脸色有点苍白--你没事儿吧? You look a bit pallid do you feel all right?
- 你自己做--我没有时间. Do it your`self I haven't got time
- n. 你要不努力, 考试就不会及格.'`倒霉是我自己的事, 跟你没关系.' You're going to fail your exams if you don't work hard.' `That's my funeral, not yours.' `
- v. 你要是一直扭来扭去, 我就没法给你梳头了. I can't brush your hair if you keep wriggling all the time
- v. 你要是再想借钱, 我可没有了. If you're on the scrounge again, I've no money