  •   在...日的傍晚   on the evening of
  •   在10月1 日   on October 1st
  • n.  在6月13日星期五夜晚   on the night of Friday 13 June
  • n.  在9月4上午. In is also used with the adjectives early and late *in也与形容词early和late连用   on the 4th of September in the morning
  • n.  在9月4的上午. Nopreposition is used in combination with tomorrow/this/yesterday afternoon 在tomorrow/this/yesterday afternoon这种形式的词组之前不用任何介词   on the morning of the 4th of September
  • n.  在一、 月、 年、 世纪等之终结时   at the end of the day, month, year, century, etc
  • n.  在一星期的中间日子   in the middle of the week
  • n.  在一星期的中间子会面、 旅行、 通电话等.   meet, travel, call, etc midweek
  • adv.  在两个分隔的期、事件等之间   in the period of time separating two dates, events, etc
  • suff.  在五月一晚上 (Cf 参看 in the evening)   on the evening of May the first
  • v.  在今的交易中, 元已升值到历史的最高水平.   The yen hit a record high in trading today
  • adv.  在他们婚後的子里, 他只看到她哭过一次.   Throughout their marriage he had only once seen her cry
  • n.  在伊斯兰教国家中星期五是假.   Friday is a holiday in Muslim countries
  • suff.  在你的生、 新年、 圣诞节等. Cf 参看 in2 3, at 2. =>Usage at time1 用法见time1.   on your birthday, New Year's day, Christmas day, etc
  • adv.  在假日,每逢假日   holidays
  • n.  在光天化之下竟发生绑架事件.   The kidnapping occurred in broad daylight