| - v. 从停下的地方接著往下读吧. Resume reading where you left off
- v. 从北方各空军基地起飞的轰炸机 bombers operating from bases in the North
- adj. 从南方刮来的和风. southerlybreezes
- 从另方面来说 A contrario sensu
- 从右向左, 反时针方向 against the sun
- v. 从各个不同的方面挑选出或获得某事物 select or obtain sth from various different sources
- n. 从各个方向发动进攻的士兵 soldiers attacking on all sides
- 从各方面来看; 总的说来 taking (it)all in all
- n. 从各方面的情况看, 我们目前干得挺好. as things `stand in the present set of circumstances就目前情况看 All things considered, we're doing quite well.
- 从各方面看来, 从各方面考虑 taking it all round
- 从各方面看来, 总的看来 all things considered
- adv. 从各方面考虑,通盘考虑 considering
- 从四面八方; 全面地; 到处 from all sides (=from every side)
- 从四面八方逼近并攻击 come nearer and attack from several directions
- v. 从对方公司的错误中获益. capitalize on the mistakes made by a rival firm
- 从左向右, 顺时针方向 with the sun