| - 连发, 连射; 一连串的批评[指责, 发问] a running fire
- n. 连珠炮似的一大堆(问题、批评等) delivered quickly, one after the other
- n. 连珠炮似的质问、 批评等. great outburst of questions, criticism, etc
- n. 连续, 系列, 一系列, 一连串, 一连多次, 辑, 批, 串, 丛书, 丛刊, 汇编, 区, 族, 轮, 列, 层, 级数, 数列, 一套, 组, 属, 串联, 串行, 统, 段, 音列, 货物分类法, 由同队进行的一连串比赛, 交替的一组元音字母, 串联 series
- n. 追求时髦的一批阔人 the smart set, ie rich fashionable people
- n. 适法, 合法化, 公认, 批准, 法律上的认可, 得到法律认可 legalization
- 选中某人(尤指屡次)惩罚、 批评或责怪 for punishment, criticism or blame
- 逐步减少; 分阶段减少, 分期分批减少 phase down
- vt. 通过, 认可, 批准, 称赞, 对...感到满意, 许可, 承认 approbate
- 遥远整批处理 batch remote
- v. 遭受批评、 嘲笑、 嘲弄等. expose oneself to criticism, ridicule, mockery, etc
- n. 避免评论、 批评等 refrain from comment, criticism, etc
- n. 那个表演一直吸引著大批观众, 经月不减. That show has been packing them in for months, ie attracting large audiences
- n. 那主意招致双方的大量批评. The idea has drawn much criticism from both sides
- v. 那独裁者竭力压制一切批评他的言论. The dictator tried to suppress all criticism of him
- n. 那计画已批准, 仅作了些许更动. The plan was approved, with some minor modifications