  • n.  他被判盗用公款罪.   He was found guilty of embezzlement
  • n.  他辞职一事对司影响很大.   for the firm
  • adj.  他迟到是因高速路上车辆过多所致. But it is also generally considered acceptable today as a synonym for owing to, which is used differently 但目前普遍认为可将due to看作是owing to的同义词, 而owing to的用法与之有别   His lateness was due to the very heavy traffic on the motorway.
  • n.  代人搬迁的业者或司   person or business that moves sb's furniture, etc, to a new house
  • n.  代办(低於大使或使的外交官, 率领出使小国的使团).   diplomat below the rank of ambassador or minister who heads a diplomatic mission in a minor country
  • n.  代数等的)定理(尤指以式表示的).   rule in algebra, etc, esp one expressed as a formula (
  • n.  代理, 代理处, 动作, 作用, 行为, 力量, 经售, 代办, 经办处, 代办处, 代销处, 司, 机构, 机关, 厅, 印第安人事务局, 媒介, 介质, 工具, 经销处, 社, 行销处, 中介   agency
  • n.  代理大使(大使或使不在时代替大使或使的外交官).   1 diplomat who takes the place of an ambassador or a minister when the ambassador or minister is absent
  • n.  代理大使(大使或使不在时代替大使或使的外交官).   diplomat who takes the place of an ambassador or a minister when the ambassador or minister is absent
  • n.  代笔人, 证人, 掮客, 放债人, 抄写员   scrivener
  • n.  令状, 文书, 文件, 文书, 文, 命令, 票, 《圣经》, (法庭的)…令, …票, 书面命令, 正式文件   writ
  • n.  以上述方式付的款. commu`tation ticket (US) bus or train ticket valid for a fixed number of trips during a given period of time (共汽车或火车的)长期车票. Cf 参看 season ticket (season).   payment made in this way
  • n.  以产品优良而负盛名的司   a firm known for its high-quality products
  •   以公债形式借取款项   borrowing upon stock
  • adv.  以公平而正当的方式   in a truthful and fair way
  • v.  以开发行股票方式)开办(新司).   by selling shares in it to the public (