| - v. 她看到这些照片, 唤起了对往事的回忆. Old memories stirred as she looked at the photographs
- adj. 她知道怎样迎合她那些读者的需要. satisfied
- adj. 她穿的那些衣服显得太年轻了. Those clothes she's wearing are much too young for her
- adj. 她穿著那套衣服看上去有些男性化. She looks rather masculine in that suit
- v. 她穿那些衣服也并没显得更漂亮. Those clothes do nothing to enhance her appearance
- n. 她立刻去照看那些新来的. She immediately took the new arrivals under her wing, ie looked after them
- n. 她腻烦那些总发牢骚的人. people who are always grumbling
- v. 她草草做了些笔记, 然後誊写在练习本上. She jotted down a few notes, and later transcribed them into an exercise book
- adj. 她被那些自称是她的朋友和支持她的人出卖了. She was betrayed by her professed friends and supporters
- adj. 她要向那些不明所以的拥护者解释自己的那种行为. She had to explain her behaviour to her perplexed supporters
- adv. 她要懂得检点些. She will have to learn to behave properly
- n. 她觉察到他的论点有几处略微有些自相矛盾. She noticed several minor inconsistencies in his argument
- adj. 她认为那些批评她的人既无知又存有偏见. She regarded her critics as ignorant and prejudiced
- v. 她让我吃些药片以利睡眠. She prescribed some pills to help me to sleep
- n. 她说了一些泼天大胆的话. things
- adj. 她说了他一些坏话. She said some pretty damning things about him