  •   林业机械进出口公司   Forestry Machinery Import and Export Company
  •   林业进出口公司   Forestry Import and Export Company
  • n.  枪眼, 堞口, 突的堞眼   machicolation
  • n.  架子, 搁架, 搁板上的东西, 搁板容量, 搁板状物, 悬岩上突的岩石, 岩棚, 沙洲, 暗礁, 平层, 锡沙矿基岩, 承梁架, 大陆棚, 告密者, 搁板, 一架子的东西, 架子形状的东西   shelf
  • v.  某一时期的文学可反映该时期的价值观念和审美观念.   The literature of a period reflects its values and tastes
  • n.  某一艺术团体、 演员、 音乐家等可随时演的)全部节目   all the plays, songs, pieces, etc which a company, actor, musician, etc knows and is prepared to perform (
  •   某人[某事] 毛病, 差错   something is wrong with sb.
  •   某人[某事] 毛病, 差错   something is wrong with sth.
  • n.  某人或某动物)常在的地方, 经常没之处   place where a particular person or animal may usually be found; favourite place or haunt (
  •   某年在某领域最杰的人或事物   He swims in the sea all year round. 他一年到头都在海里游泳. donkey's years => donkey. man, woman, car, etc of the `year person or thing chosen as outstanding in a particular field in a particular year
  • n.  某方面的出类拔萃者   of sth outstanding example of sth
  • n.  某领域中的优秀的或杰的人物   excellent or outstanding man in a particular field
  • adj.  某(不指明的或不说的)   specific but not named or stated
  • v.  查究竟发生了什麽事   determine exactly what happened
  • n.  查明或估计(某事物)的价钱   find or estimate the price of (sth)
  • v.  查明电路故障的地方   locate an electrical fault